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Posts tagged 'Zebra Organics'

Miso Soup: It Does a Gut Good

Keeping your gut in check is important for overall health and wellness. The gut microbiome, also known as gut flora, controls the digestion of food, your immune system, central nervous system and other bodily processes. There’s a common saying that goes, “when your gut is happy, you’re happy.”

2 years ago

Simple Green Smoothie Recipe with Spirulina

This quick and easy-to-prepare smoothie is delicious and will give you the energizing boost you need to start your day. Packed with an array of ingredients like bananas, kale, dates, ginger spirulina powder, anandamide and other ingredients. This smoothie is highly nutritious and in one sitting you will receive vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes. It's a fast and easy way to include vegetables in your diet.
2 years ago