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Mind & Body

Miso Soup: It Does a Gut Good

Keeping your gut in check is important for overall health and wellness. The gut microbiome, also known as gut flora, controls the digestion of food, your immune system, central nervous system and other bodily processes. There’s a common saying that goes, “when your gut is happy, you’re happy.”

2 years ago

Blissful Anandamide Tonic Recipe

This is a delicious "transformational" raw cacao-based tonic that will give you that boost of energy first thing in the morning that you are looking for!
2 years ago

5 Ways to Use Food to Help You Combat Stress & Promote Sound Mental Health

What you eat does contribute to how you feel! Naturopathic medicine can help individuals prevent and manage stress in a day and age when stress is more prevalent than ever. Stress is a normal response to situational pressures or demands.

2 years ago

The Potential Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the more popular vitamin supplements, and for good reason. The vitamin appears to have potential benefits for preventing dementia, improving mood, increasing energy and helping reduce pain. Dr. Scott Buesing, ND has a great deal of knoledge about, and has done a lot of research on, B12.

2 years ago

Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Fruit Smoothie Recipe

Hearty breakfast smoothies are the perfect way to kickstart your day. Creamy and naturally sweet, this tropical golden smoothie is packed with immune-boosting ingredients and is deliciously healthy.

3 years ago